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P-Ink Press

HEAD A Ben Lorloch Mystery Thriller

P. Portraits is the author of

the Ben Lorloch mystery thriller trilogy.

HEAD is the first book in the series.


Ben Lorloch finds himself in a web of treachery and lies told by the lovers, grifters, and assassins in his life. He writes to his friend and would-be lover, Iona, on his secure messaging server, Lorloch Larks, recounting his deeply personal feelings and the darkly comical assassinations he carries out to survive the hit that has been taken out on him by an unknown assailant.


Extract from the book...


Lorloch Larks | OmniFreeway


Opening my laptop. A coded problem pops up for me to solve before I can access the OmniFreeway, the virtual playground of the most sophisticated minds in the world. Only those with intelligence as outré as mine can solve problems like these and get in.

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